Great Newbridge Copse is 12 hectares and is an ancient semi-natural woodland. It has 110 species of trees and plants recorded including 33 of which are specifically associated with woodland of ancient origin. It is a bluebell wood with an impressive display on the east side each spring. It is estimated that the this woodland absorbs 65 tonnes of carbon per year.
10 hectares are mainly broadleaf plantations established between 1990 and 1992 at 30+ years since planting, they are estimated to absorb 165 tonnes of carbon
12 hectares is permanent grassland with no inputs of chemicals or natural fertiliser and is cut once a year for hay. The plan is for it to eventually become wild flower meadow. The estimated absorption of carbon for the grassland is 28.8 tonnes.
We have 1630 meters of hedgerows most with mature trees, the estimated absorption of carbon for the hedgerows is 7.3 tonnes.
The above together with 2 streams and numerous ponds makes for a very diverse range of habitat. This habitat supports large numbers of insects and birds and a good number of reptiles, amphibians and mammals. Birds and moths are monitored and recorded and submitted to the relevant organisations.
Great Newbridge Copse Nature Reserve
We provide educational access on this site.
Arbor Venture is a local training provider, giving instruction in chainsaw use, tree climbing, dismantling and felling.
Brockenhurst College uses the site through Graham Giddens for bird watching. The college has also used the site for students on vocational courses to experience conservation work.
Hill House School is a residential school specialising in the care of autistic children. They have used the site for the children to experience conservation work. The positive effect was very noticeable, they arrive feeling a bit anxious of the new outdoor environment. We soon have them getting stuck in to hand sawing, lopping and feeding a small bonfire. They leave relaxed and happy. The pandemic has halted the visits but we hope they will return.
Outright Adventure This community interest company provides youngsters with an informal youth group for ages 3-17 promoting positive mental and physical health through outdoor pursuits. For those aged 14 to 18, they also offer the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
The reserve is 34.6 hectares and consists of woodland, grassland, streams, ponds and hedgerows.